Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This past Saturday Mike bought me an early birthday present...The Jack Lelanne Power Juicer! I have wanted one for a couple years and since I'm doing the whole vegetarian thing we decided now would be a perfect time to purchase it.
We bought the juicer at Bed, Bath & Beyond (so I could use my 20% coupon) and then headed to East Nashville (5 points area) to a store called the Turnip Truck. It is like Whole Foods, just the mom & pop version. The thing I liked about this store is that they only sell organic produce from local farmers. We bought some juicing essentials (carrots, apples, celery) and then headed home. We assembled the juicer, but decided to wait until morning to try it out.

So before church Mike & I made our first glasses of juice:

Here are the ingredients we used in our first glass of juice.

Before juicing you have to wash all your produce. I use a veggie/fruit was from Trader Joe's that I really like.

Mike juicing away.

Here is the final product. It actually tastes really great. We have now juiced for 5 mornings and we love it. The only downside to juicing is that you have to wash the entire juicer after you are finished. The whole process takes about 10 minutes...not bad. Plan ahead and wash produce when bring it home.
Oh, and thanks honey for a great (early) birthday present!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We Love Our Titans!

Yesterday was a sad day in the Organ household. Our beloved Titans lost to the Baltimore Ravens and therefore will not be moving on in the playoffs:( Despite the loss, the game was a lot of fun. It was the ultimate football weather and I have to say I think I fared quite well. It was rainy, windy and very cold. We all went prepared, dressed in multiple layers and toting ponchos. The ponchos were a life saver. Once the rain quit and the temperature kept falling, I refused to take mine off since it was keeping in what little body heat I had left. Although the weather was cruddy, the stadium was packed and you could feel every one's excitement!

Even though our toes were frozen and our team lost, it was a blast getting to go with Phil & Amy. I guess there's always next year. Go Titans!

Tag I'm It

Well thanks to Karina I have officially been tagged (sorry I'm a little late with this post). When I saw that she had tagged me I was a little scared. The rules were random and I didn't know what the photo would be.

Here are the rules:
1. Choose the 4th picture folder on your computer
2. Choose the 4th picture in that folder
3. Explain the picture
4. Choose 4 people to do the same

So here is that photo:

Thankfully it is a picture that I took at Radnor Lake. This a place that Mike and I love to go, especially since we can bring Martini. There is a main road that overlooks the lake that you can bike, run, walk dogs, but there are also a numerous trails that you can hike. The wildlife is amazing and the scenery is breathtaking. I actually have to say thanks to Karina and her family for introducing us to Radnor Lake.

Now it's my turn to tag 4 others. Since most people I know have already been tagged, I can only think of 2 families to tag for this post. So Phil & Amy Organ and The Bruns Family consider yourself officially tagged.