Thursday, February 3, 2011

Organ Family Christmas 2010

This year Organ Family Christmas was split into two. Organ Christmas #1 was on Christmas Eve-Eve in Searcy. We spent the day with Mike's parents and his brother Dave who flew in from Houston. Unfortunately Dave's wife couldn't make the trip, but we really enjoyed our visit with Dave. The day was spent like most holidays with food, a little golf and then the good ole holiday tradition of opening gifts.

Here is family photo #1
(you will see family photo #2 later)

We tried to get Martini to be Santa's helper, but she was not liking her outfit at all!

Then, the Monday after Christmas, the rest of the Organs gathered at our home to celebrate Organ Family Christmas #2.

Martini loved her two new bones so much so she couldn't decide which one to chew.

Baby "M" even got a few things.

After dinner we played a new game that Easton got for Christmas. It was just like Pictionary, but instead of drawing the object you had to build the object out of Legos.

Here is family photo #2

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Funny Family Photos

For the past 4 or 5 years my family has taken group pictures during the Holidays. We get a couple normal pictures and then we take several goofy family photos. Here are the photos from last year (2009).

This year for our Funny Family Photo shoot, my Dad took on the task of finding our funny accessory. He definitely did not disappoint! Before taking the silly pictures, we did manage to get one great family photo. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Johnson Family Christmas 2010

Santa's Helper

The perfect gift! Just in time to put the nursery together:)

I wasn't going to post this picture until I saw BJ's face!

This was a special gift. Not only is it a painting of the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy (BJ lived in Florence for the entire 2010 fall semester). But most importantly, it was painted by a great friend of the family, Martha McKee. The painting is absolutely beautiful!

If you can't read the shirt, it says "Biker Grandpa"

While BJ was overseas she bought Christmas presents for everyone. Here are a few things she brought us.

I just had to share some of the cute things that Baby "M" got for Christmas.

Aunt BJ brought this from Italy for Baby "M"!

Shane & Sara arrived mid-morning to open stockings and spend the day.

Family Time:

Grandpa & Grammy with their Grand-doggies

This last pictures sums up the day:)