Saturday, November 5, 2011

Orlando Family Vacation: Part 2


One of the things Mike and I were really excited about being able to do on this Orlando vacation was to get McKinley back in a swimming pool. The last time she was in a pool was back during the summer and she was still in her newborn stage.

She loves bath time and we wanted to see if she would like the pool just as much. She definitely enjoyed splashing around, but she mostly enjoyed dipping her fingers in the water and then putting them in her mouth. She would do this over and over and over. The pool was a salt water pool and we think she liked the taste.

There is nothing like napping on the pool deck (with our fingers in our mouth, of course).

Our last day at the pool, the resort had arranged for an alligator show & tell.

We couldn't leave Orlando with out having a ceremonial dunk in the pool. We actually had dunked her under water a couple days before, but this was the first one that I caught with the camera.

Even though I was nervous, she obviously survived and really wasn't phased by the potentially traumatic event.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Orlando Family Vacation: Part 1

A couple weeks ago, Mike, McKinley and I traveled to Orlando for vacation. This was McKinley's first major trip away from home and she did great! It was a fun week getting to spend time with Granddad, Grandma, Uncle Phil, Aunt Amy & Cousin E.

We experienced a "first" while on vacation. Since we were using disposable diapers on the trip, McKinley was able to get her feet to her mouth and spent the entire week sucking on her toes!

What is vacation with out miniature golf? The boys played while the girls took score and cheered them on.

McKinley was really enjoying mini golf!

The whole family spent a day at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure.

E. is just like his Uncle Mike. He had to have his picture taken while doing a little pose.

The main reason we chose to visit this particular theme park was because of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It definitely did not disappoint. The rides were fun, the shops were cute & the Butterbeer was amazing!

Our week in Orlando was a lot of fun. I think we all needed a little vacation!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween

With this being McKinley's first Halloween I was having a hard time deciding what she was going to wear. I knew she needed 2 outfits: a costume for Trunk or Treat and something festive but practical to wear on Halloween day. Once October 31st arrived we had 3 different outfits:)

Here is our little "Sweet Pea" in her Trunk or Treat costume.

I found this onesie a few weeks back and thought that it would be perfect for McKinley to wear the day of Halloween. As soon as I put her in the onesie, I grabbed her and the camera and went to take a couple pictures. Before I could even set her down for the first picture she had spit up (which is a rare occurrence at this stage) all over the front of the onesie. So thanks to the help of Photo Shop, I was kind of able to salvage a few shots of her in this outfit before it was taken off & put in the hamper.

The final outfit completely revolves around the very festive hair accessory. I found it at a store a few days ago and new M had to have it, but I wasn't sure what outfit she would wear it with. I couldn't pair it with her "My First Halloween" onesie because I thought it would be too busy. So I needed to come up with a 3rd outfit and I remembered a tutu tutorial (try saying that 10 times fast) I found on Pinterest. So on Saturday morning I went to the store and bought the necessary items and made a tutu to coordinate with the hair bow.