Monday, April 30, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt 2012

McKinley's 1st Easter Egg Hunt!

She was absolutely the slowest egg hunter I have ever seen! She had no desire to crawl in the grass so we carried her from egg to egg.

I hand made this onesie especially for the hunt. Here is the tutorial I found through Pinterest.

We ended the evening eating sandwiches & sweets and spending time friends. McKinley and her sweet friend couldn't resist sharing a few kisses:)

Easter 2012

I would say our first Easter as a family of three was a success. We attended a great church service, had a wonderful brunch, McKinley enjoyed her Easter basket and she experienced her first egg hunt. I had no idea how fun and special holidays would be once we had a little one! 

Our sweet little lady waiting on her Easter basket!

McKinley's 1st Easter Basket!!!

Baby Blessing

Back in February (yep, I am still playing catch up), our church had their annual baby dedication celebration. McKinley was just one of 38 babies born in 2011 that were being dedicated.

It was wonderful to have the morning to remember who is responsible for blessing us with this sweet little girl and also to be reminded what our responsibility as christian parents are in raising and teaching her. It was such a great morning and we are so lucky to be part of this amazing church family!

Our sweet family of three:)

McKinley & Grandma

McKinley with Grammy & Bubba

McKinley opening her gift from Bubba & Grammy. It was her first set of pearls! A matching necklace & bracelet. I can't wait until she is past the stage of putting everything in her mouth so she can actually wear them!!!

The ladies at Otter Creek did such a great job with the entire celebration. The personalized decorations/gifts were adorable!

We attempted to get a cute picture of McKinley with the decorations, but since she is at a stage where everything goes in the mouth, this was the best we could get:)

"Being dedicated was so exhausting!"

This was such a special day for our family and we appreciate everyone that came to help us celebrate this precious little girl!

9 Month Photos

I am obviously playing major blog catch up. McKinley turned 9 months back in January and we snapped a few photos to mark that milestone.
Without further ado, here are the many faces of 9 month old McKinley Grace:

Even though this post is supposed to be McKinley's 9 month pictures, I had to post this picture of Daddy and his little girl!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Foods: Fruits

Once McKinley had experienced the many different flavors & textures of vegetables, it was time to introduce her to fruit. It should have been no surprise when M devoured any and every piece of fruit that touched her lips.

She definitely loves the more squishy fruits like banana, kiwi, & mango. She also enjoys apples & pears, but those take a little longer to eat. Her absolute favorite fruit is blueberries. She pops them in her mouth so fast we are starting to think she just swallows them whole.

Here are just a few photos of her eating her first fruits...

Day 18:


Day 23:


First Foods: Veggies

Now that I have finally blogged about Baby Led Weaning, here are some pictures of McKinley trying her first foods. We only gave veggies for the first 2 1/2 weeks. We had fun watching her explore different tastes & textures and seeing her many expressions. During this whole process, McKinley has tried everything we have put in front of her. There have only been a few times where she has taken only one or two bites of a certain food. Usually she eats everything in front of her and then wants seconds.

Day 1:


Hummus & Toast:
She loved the plain toast. However, the hummus was not a good food to try on day 1. What was I thinking!?! It did not just make her gag, it also made her throw up:( Needless to say, we have not tried hummus again...yet:)

Day 2:
Sweet Potato

Broccoli aka "Trees"

For the first few weeks this is what her tray looked like after dinner. This was an exploratory period, it was more about the taste & textures rather than the actual consumption.

Day 3:


I just love this picture. It should be captioned "Oh no, what weird food am I getting tonight?!?"

Day 6:

Carrots & Broccoli