Monday, August 31, 2009

Boot Camp Update #5

This morning officially starts my 6th month of boot camp, so that means it is time for my monthly Boot Camp Update! The weight and inches are still coming off. It is amazing how different the results are from month to month. For example, last month my measurements changed the most and my weight barely moved. This month it is totally the opposite. I did have some improvement on my measurements, but it was nothing compared to my weight loss. Go figure, I guess my body just wants to keep me guessing.

I am most excited this month about my run time. Since my time for last month was 8:05, my goal was to make it under 8:00. Meaning 7:59 would have made me happy. I remember thinking as I was completing last month's fitness test that there is no way I could possibly run any faster. So I was actually worried that I wouldn't make in under 8 minutes. But I ran my heart out, almost literally. My chest hurt, my arms went numb, but it paid off because I ran my mile in 7:41. I couldn't believe it! I cut another 24 seconds off my time. It is amazing how much pressure you can put on yourself!

Since this is my 6th month of boot camp I decided that the end of the month would be a good time to post my before and after pictures and my before and after stats. So keep checking back to see possibly some of the most embarrassing pictures of me ever:) One decision I have come to is that I am going to continue boot camp. I have just come to far to stop now and it has become another addiction.


  1. As a person who has literally not exercised in 6 months, you are my fitness hero! Great job! You are looking wonderful and, I'm sure, feeling so much better. Not a bad addiction to have.
