Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Let's Go To The Beach!

A few weeks ago, we headed to Florida for the annual Johnson Family Vacation. This year we stayed in Santa Rosa Beach and loved every minute. I think I can speak for the whole family and say it is our new favorite place to stay on 30A!
Everyone had a great time. It is always nice to just get away and spend time with family. We did miss having Aunt BJ around. Unfortunately, she has a real job now and had to stay in Searcy to teach her little 1st graders:(
Here are pictures from our trip. This was the first year McKinley wasn't purposefully trying to eat sand, so being out at the beach was actually enjoyable! The first two days she was scared of the ocean and just wanted to walk the beach and play in the sand which was nice and relaxing. But the last two days of vacation she lost all fear of the water and was taking running leaps into the ocean. She definitely kept Momma and Daddy on our toes. 
Warning: There are a ton of pictures and most of them are of McKinley. What can I say...I am a little obsessed with my child:)
This picture makes my heart smile!
Early morning drawing time with Bubba.

I think she looks like a mermaid:)

What can I say, like father like daughter:)

Blue eyes just like her Daddy!

She LOVED making footprint in the sand!

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