Got Milk?

Before I was even pregnant, Mike and I knew there would be added expenses once we had a baby. We knew there would be diapers, clothes, toys and all the other items that Babies R Us tells you you need:) But nobody ever told us that one of the expenses would be a deep freeze. I'm sure it isn't a necessity for every new parent, but if you look at the picture below it was obviously a necessity for the Organ Household.

Our regular freezer was packed so full that I couldn't buy ANYTHING at the grocery store that needed to be frozen. So a couple of weeks ago Mike and I purchased this deep freeze to hold all that golden goodness.

After moving everything from the upstairs freezer to the deep freeze, it is already halfway full!

We are always looking to make extra money, but I'm thinking "Organ's Dairy Farm" might not be the right in-home business:)