One of the main reasons we vacation in Port St. Lucie is so that the boys can play golf. This year the ladies even got in on the fun. This was my first time ever to play golf and I loved it!
Even though the men played pretty much everyday, I think the only time a camera was taken out on the course were the two days I played. I wanted to get a picture of the 3 guys in their golf get-ups, but I guess there is always next year. So here are a few pics I did get:
Round 1:
These are pictures from the first day I played golf. Phil, Amy, & Easton had a day to themselves. So while Dennis, Mike & I played, Sherry rode in the cart to cheer us along or maybe she came for a little laugh at my first attempt at the sport.
If you notice in the picture I actually missed the ball, and if you look closely enough you can see the chunk of grass that I took out of the tee box.
Round 2:
This round of golf was played the very last day of our vacation. The grandparents were nice enough to entertain Easton so the big kids could go play.
The last few pictures are of a couple alligators that inhabit the water hazards on the course. Every year we go it is always fun to look for the alligators. This year they waited until the last day of our vacation to show up.
I know you love the beach and pool but I can see this added a fun new element to your trip! I'm also loving all your photography!
Oh!!! I almost forgot!! You are looking so happy, healthy, and fit!!
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