I just had to add this last picture. It is a picture I took of B.J. on the morning of her concert, which also happened to be her last day of high school. She was on her way out the door to go to school and I snapped the picture as she was jumping for joy:)
Singing Sensation
Posted by
The Organ Family
on Sunday, May 4, 2008
This past week Mike, Martini, and I traveled home to Searcy for my sister B.J.'s very last high school choir concert. Choir is one of the main things B.J. and I have shared in common and this very important event was one that I did not want to miss. B.J. is a very talented second soprano. She is not only in the high school concert choir, she also auditioned and was picked for two elite choral groups: Chamber Choir and a Female Ensemble. On top of making all region the past few years, she also got to audition for All-State Choir this year. I am very proud of my little sister. Way to go!
The whole family after B.J.'s concert (minus Mike who is taking the picture)
I'm so glad to have a new blog to check! You look so pretty in the picture of you and your sister! Enjoyed our time together last night.
Okay, I cried when I read your blog. What a special tribute to your little sister. I can't wait to read your blog, I know it will be fun.
I'm looking forward to this week-end.
Beautiful family! I can't believe that BJ is graduating! Don't you feel old??? I got to hold Tiffany's new baby this weekend and I felt like she's still my baby sister- she shouldn't have a baby! Thanks for sharing your blog with me!
I am a first soprano thank you very much! Haha...Very nice...Mom's quite excited about all of this blogging she plans on doing now...ha!
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